Friday, November 23, 2012

sans farron

same old
streaming curtains.
dispersing like memory,
homing in on me.

in on us.
same old white room.

same old new year's
eve of moving through
uncharted sheets, but

the world wasn't round
not then, not when
you aren't where you are
supposed to be.

and i fall down, down
the edge of the world.
spill on a floor gone cold.
it remembered warmth,
was it of you?

but it's the same old,
same old, same old
story of every

i tell you my truth:
this is not the morning after.
i knew with all my heart.
you stayed.

this is not the book i wrote.
my heroine never dissolved into
non-existence mid-story.
or anytime else.
she stayed. you stayed.

you stayed you stayed you stayed

this is not the epicenter
of the -
you were not the earthquake
that shook my -

this is not my world
not without you.
