Tuesday, July 15, 2008


some nights the stars
worship you more blatantly.
the light of nights comb your skin
as if a temple.
this leaves me non-existent,
mere spectator in the shadows
outside the borders of the circle
of your spotlight.

i do not mind that i do not exist
within your holy radius.
if light i am to have then light
i will unleash upon you,
so that you will be more shining
for the stars to adore you more,
that they will delay days
to ogle you in longer nights.

my immortal, my goddess,
my angel, my love.
if it feels or appears i love you
less than the stars love you,
it could be because i am not
your raving kind of worshipper.
yet i worship you nonetheless,
in my own silent, secret ways.


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