Sunday, April 9, 2023

pain killer

radio silence on the other end
we kept it that way, content with that way,
and now it is for forever.

my last grandparent departed today
i cannot pray
i have long renounced religion.

i have no regrets
i believe life had rolled as intended
i believe in death
the great pain killer


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

when unfed i curl up and pretend i am Desolation

the fickle sky is Nemesis
whenever I am the avatar of laundry.
i can be hungry for some sun,

i can want tufts of clouds to stash away,
to cram away, into the mouth…
but without a limb to reach that high

and with all the dampness in the world to dry
and with nothing to match my desire
i am without anything to wear for tomorrow
