Tuesday, December 17, 2019

something like pale rose

her fingernails' color is the color of her fingernails
something like pale rose -
no shade of paint can touch them
nor can add to their already naked perfection
yet i am whimsical -
i toy with perfection with toys of perfection
like a soft kiss stolen on one of her nails
as she sleeps, and she stirs a little, smiles a little
shatters the world a little -
a small butterfly dipping a leg to break a still pond
invoking a whirlpool pulling at my heart
pulling a whirlwind invoked out of my heart -
blowing me out of Oz into a magical land called Kansas
landing on an evil girl and her evil dog
leaving her magical shoes for me to loot from her corpse
and they could have brought me home
if only they fit me like
something like pale rose
fit on the nails of my lover


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