Wednesday, September 16, 2015

rain thing

this planet seldom does this -
  rain thing -
when i’m with -
  whatsyourface -
it makes for rarer moments

of quiet contemplation, or
secret introspections
imposing onto

our small talks too
small for my tastes.

man, you make me feel like
a fisherman

hurling hook and line
aimed at that -
  moon thing -
playing for that one chance
that gravity gets
a brain fart and lets
me catch you -

i mean catch that -
  moon thing -

and i wouldn’t know what to do then, would i.

except, maybe.
grapple at my chest and
find a latch that opens
it. rummage for my heart and
hope it’s a document

full of words for things
hanging or
falling from
the sky,

and you.

can i crumple it and toss it,
what’s another crumpled heart amongst
the growing pile of my crumpled hearts.
can i start over again
can i overwrite my paper heart

eradicate the contamination of you.
totally, this time.
resist to not write you in this time.
tell me
will that make me

can i be the fool with the empty heart
hanging on a line hooked to that -
  white round cheese thing -
hanging from the sky, wondering

what am i doing here standing like a fool.

but at least i'll be at peace
amusing myself with something like
giving things silly nicknames like -




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